Your suggestions are valuable, if there’s anything specific you’d like to share or request, please feel free to do so!
Add sorting option to Course List Widget: sort by course completion
Sort by ascending or descending course completion
Add Course Continue button as optional part for course list
A “continue course” button for enrolled courses right within the course list widget.
Mark Complete Button Next Item
Add the “next item” option to the mark complete button. This will ensure that if a student clicks the mark complete button on a lesson that have sub topics, they will be directed to the next topic and not skip to the next lesson.
The ability to show feed/activity from the last active group, course, lesson, etc. This can be used on a page that requires a latest feed like functionality on the logged in user “Home” page.
Hello,It seems that the Lifter Elements plugin is not compatible with Elementor 3.0.When do you plan to update?